Mobile Maker Space Project
Maker Academy

Future Academy TBA

Date & Time:
Available Courses:
Intro to Make (Gr. 6 - 8)
Academy Tuition:
$150.00 per Student
Thank you for your interest in the Maker Academy.
More information regarding out next academy will be available at a later time. We appreciate your patience.
* Space may be limited, Maximum 12 students per course
Please contact us for waitlist inquires

Intro to Make (Gr. 6 - 8)
Intro to Make is an introductory course where students will learn how to operate a laser engraver/cutter and 2D CAD software to participate in problem solving challenges such as egg drop, bridge building and plane building.
Registration - CLOSED
One registration per student is required. * Enrollment space may be limited, Maximum 12 students
Online Registration
Step 1:
IW Membership
Step 2:
Academy Enrollment
& Payment
Complete the online membership application below:
Select an available course and complete online payment:
$150.00 (Includes Membership Fees)
*Youth and adult shirt sizes are available.
Please enter t-shirt size as 2 - 3 letter label.
e.g. YXS (Youth Extra-Small), AS (Adult Small)
Mail Registration
Download Membership application and complete:
Mail Membership application and payment to:
$150.00 (Includes Membership Fees)
Course, Student name, and Shirt Size
Attn: Maker Academy
4348 Waialae Ave. Ste. 869
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816